Fun Things To Do Near Chico CA!

“Ready, Set, Bag!” premieres at The Pageant Theatre

My family just had the pleasure of previewing the film “Ready, Set, Bag!”  It is a documentary that follows eight grocery bagging champions from states across the US as they prepare to compete in the National Grocers Association’s Best Bagger competition in Las Vegas.  I won’t lie.  My kids, upon hearing the words “documentary”, both chimed in with the requisite moans and groans.  I wouldn’t expect anything less from a pair that is normally entertained by the likes of “Wizards of Waverly Place” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos.”

Ready, set, bag! in Chico, CA


However, once the show started, my kids were riveted.   There’s something about the hometown characters that makes it hard to look away.  Initially, they may have been intrigued by the  drawl and awe-inspring snort of the young band member that inhabited a pink bedroom.   Or it may have had something to do with the really fast kid with the red curls.  They wondered aloud how the older lady that “might even be a grandma” could compete with the younger participants.  Eventually, I think they were inspired by a diverse group of characters who all had one thing in common:  they take pride in doing their job to the very best of their ability!   

The film helps drive home the point that every job is a critical one.  I will make sure that we watch it again, and would readily recommend “Ready, Set, Bag!” for families.  If you need a little inspiration to get you through the day to day drudgery of your own job, this might help!

The movie will be playing  every Thursday night in January (Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28) at 5:30pm at the Pageant Theater.  The screenings benefit the local community food bank  CAA Butte County.

For every ticket sold, local company ChicoBag will generously donate $1 to the CAA Butte County Food Bank!   If folks bring two or more nonperishable food items
to a screening, they’ll get $1 off their ticket thanks to ChicoBag, and  a discount on popcorn too.

 You can see the trailer for this film at

 Be sure to arrive on time so you don’t miss the  screening of  “Leonardo”, a new hand drawn animated short from Academy Award nominee Jim Capobianco, in front of “Ready, Set, Bag!”.  As an added bonus, after the screenings, there will be a “Ready, Set, Bag!”  Q/A session with the Directors and Producer.

Have you seen the film?   Leave a review!

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A Bicycle ride through Lower Bidwell Park in Chico, CA

Need a great idea for a Chico, CA family outing?

How about a bike ride through Lower Bidwell Park!

Bicycle riders enjoying Bidwell Park’s extensive bike path and fall colors in Chico CAYoung and old alike will delight in hopping aboard a bicycle to peddle their way through the 418 acres of cherished Lower Bidwell Park. The ride is a leisurely one, virtually level throughout so that riders can can fully appreciate the beauty around them. Yellow leaves floating in Little Chico Creek, Bidwell ParkThe smooth paved roads are perfect for little people still learning to ride, while the smaller side trails offer an exciting diversion for the more adventurous. Bidwell Park is enormously popular regardless of the season or the weather. Expect to share the road with a variety of walkers, runners, dogs, skaters, bicyclists, strollers and horses, all out enjoying the day. Little girl and littler frog in Lower Bidwell Park, Chico CA.Make sure that you plan time for exploring a few new nooks and crannies with each visit! As fun as it is to breeze through the park on a bicycle, you might find you have an irresistible urge to hop off. There are many benches and picnic tables in day camp spots along the creek that runs through the park. Stopping for lunch is a great excuse to wade in the creek looking for tadpoles, snoozing in the sun, or watching the squirrels dart from tree to tree.

Looking for more fun things to do near Chico, CA in the fall?

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Looking to buy or sell Chico CA Real Estate?  Need a Top Producing Chico CA Realtor? Call Sandi Bauman 530-864-5407 or email  Specializing in REO, residential, relocation, investment & ag property.

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An afternoon at the Pumpkin Patch- Book Family Farm

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Still looking for that perfect pumpkin in Chico, CA?

Little pumpkins stacked under a big tree at Book’s Farm in Chico, CA.Better load up the family, and head to the Book Family Farm.Book’s 250 acre farm, only minutes outside of Chico on Hwy 99 in Durham, is the perfect place to spend a leisurely fall afternoon.We visited Book’s, and were immediately drawn to the Scarecrow Contest. Scarecrow girl:  “It’s okay to be happy everyday!”
Entries were made by many local schoolchildren, as well as businesses. The winner was awarded a $1000 prize! We especially liked reading the banners the younger children had on their scarecrows. The theme was “It’s okay….” We saw everything from “It’s okay to have big ears” to “It’s okay to like Superman!” There were definitely some scarecrows wearing their hearts on their sleeves! Other fun activities included a hay pyramid, horse-drawn wagon rides, corn maze, live music, and roping arena. There is also a small country store with plenty of local treats. The little ones will especially enjoy the duck pond and farm animals.

The Book Family Farm will be open to the public thru Wedneday, October 31st 2007
from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday-Saturday, and Sundays 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

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Looking to buy or sell Chico CA Real Estate? Need a Top Producing Chico CA Realtor? Call Sandi Bauman 530-864-5407 or email Specializing in REO, residential, relocation, investment & ag property.

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Fun Things To Do Near Chico, California: Go Climb A Volcano!

We are fortunate, here in Chico, CA, to live near an abundance of wonderful recreation destinations.

Mount Lassen is an active volcano, located only about an hour north of Chico, near Chester, California, the mountain town in which I grew up.

The drive, in and of itself, is a beautiful adventure, and one of my favorites of all time. Highway 32, although very curvy, meanders alongside Deer Creek and provides gorgeous views of the creek, canyons and a variety of trees and lush greenery. Make sure that you leave early enough to explore along the way! A few of my favorite spots include the Potato Patch Campground, the falls, and the rock drinking fountain that seems to appear out of nowhere!

Lassen Volcanic National Park is located in Northeastern California, and the nearest airports include Sacramento, California, and Reno, Nevada both around 160 miles away. The park itself includes over 150 miles of hiking trails, beautiful views of the Cascades and the High Sierras, numerous lakes, and the ever-popular active hydrothermal areas. There are also several gorgeous campgrounds. It’s important to call ahead prior to visiting, due to the fact that most areas of the park have severely restricted access due to the snow base and/or weather conditions.

Resize 2  0688The view from the bottom is a lot less intimidating than it is after you’ve walked about 10 minutes!We visited the park last August, and found the weather and conditions absolutely perfect for climbing the daunting peak. The air was cool upon arrival, and there were still walls of snow evident in many areas. However, the hike up the volcano is extremely strenuous (5 miles round trip) and the sun is hot at 8500 feet. It took us about 3 hours to reach the top, and we were sun-burned by the time we made it!

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We FINALLY made it to the top!!


The true beauty in the hike is the actual journey. With each turn of the switchback, visitors are rewarded with a new, stunning view.

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Resize 0713The closer you get to the top, the more difficult and narrow the trail becomes. Resize 0712The rewards of a very long, difficult climb? Unsurpassed views of gorgeous mountain lakes and endless mountain ranges!Looking for something else fun to do?

A couple of ideas! Hiking in Bidwell Park

Swimming at One Mile

Exploring the Swimming Holes of Upper Park

Strolling through Downtown Chico

Experiencing the Farmer’s Market

Blossom Tour

Fine dining at Sierra Nevada Brewery

For more ideas on fun things to do and places to go near Chico CA, visit me again here soon!

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Looking to buy or sell Chico CA Real Estate? Need a Top Producing Chico CA Realtor? Call Sandi Bauman 530-864-5407 or email Specializing in REO, residential, relocation, investment & ag property.

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Sandi Bauman (Chico Homes): Real Estate Agent in Chico, Butte County, California
Tomato University Graduate Real Estate Tomato

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