Chico Homes For Sale: Listings Coming Soon!
January 16th, 2010 categories: Chico CA Foreclosure Listings
The following foreclosure properties are in pre-list stage with The Sandi Bauman Team! at Chico Homes.
Watch for them to hit the market soon!
2935 2nd Street, Biggs
4 Coolwater Court, Chico
862 E. 5th Avenue, Chico
1155 Ceres Manor, Chico
1408 Citrus, Chico
1857 Devonshire, Chico
3265 Rockin M, Chico
2279 W Biggs, Gridley
6438 Woodward, Magalia
14647 Bridgeport, Magalia
14753 Nimshew, Magalia ** This property is NOT a foreclosure listing
322 Butte, Orland
328 Crane Avenue, Oroville
4169 Oroville Bangor, Oroville **This property is NOT a foreclosure listing
459 Washington Street, Willows
625 N Shasta Street, Willows
820 Madrone Manor, Willows
New listings now ACTIVE!
If any of these greater Chico Homes properties interest you, please email your contact info to We will notify you as soon as we have a list price!
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|Just another reason to hire a Real Estate Agent… the EXTRA MILE MATTERS!
January 16th, 2010 categories: Chico Buyers
By guest writer Tara Taylor, “Buyer and Foreclosure Specialist”
On the surface, it can seem that a real estate agent’s “job” is fairly simple: Write the offer, negotiate the terms, collect a paycheck. However, sometimes there is so much effort beyond the paperwork that goes unseen, and often unappreciated.
I have spent the last week navigating an auction bidding website that had their grips on a condo that my clients really loved. I wasn’t terribly concerned about offering on an auction property, but then I read the fine print on the site. Realtors are known to have a case of RDR (Realtors don’t read) …not this agent!! I sorted through all the legal schmegal language until I found what I was looking for. The fact is I didn’t know what I was looking for. All I knew was that I needed to protect my first time homebuyers and their hard earned deposit! So I found, in the small, ever so fine Q and A section the words “This offer is not contingent upon financing.” Not a big deal, if you have CASH! If you are financing, this is a terribly big deal. If anything were to go wrong with the loan, i.e. the Buyer in this scenario can’t close for ANY reason, they lose their 5% deposit (required by the Auction Company.) Lost, gone… no protection!
This is a good example of why the buyers “hired” me. I had to get to the bottom of the story with a loan on the condo! Would it finance? I had to be 100% sure before letting my clients wager their savings and opportunity to become homeowners. I tracked down the property management, which was not easy to do since no company in town claimed the complex and no agent in town knew who was in charge. With more digging and prodding, I determined the owner-occupied to tenant ratio for the condo complex was only 50/50. According to local lenders, the requirements for lending are now 70% owner-occupied to 30% tenant occupied in most cases.
This is not the property for them. The loan will not go through, and they would have lost their entire deposit. Luckily my reading and investigative persistence paid off! My clients still have their deposit and we can look for another property. Whew!
Work with an agent who will go the extra mile, has lending knowledge, seeks out your answers to questions, and knows the bank foreclosure offering process. It will be priceless to your success as a buyer and literally won’t cost you, the buyer, a penny. But it could save you a deposit and more!
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|Chico CA Real Estate: Listings Coming Soon!
January 10th, 2010 categories: Uncategorized
The following foreclosure properties are in pre-list stage with The Sandi Bauman Team! at Chico Homes.
Watch for them to hit the market soon!
2935 2nd Street, Biggs
4 Coolwater Court, Chico
862 E. 5th Avenue, Chico
1857 Devonshire, Chico
3265 Rockin M, Chico
2279 W Biggs, Gridley
6438 Woodward, Magalia
14647 Bridgeport, Magalia
322 Butte, Orland
328 Crane Avenue, Oroville
5570 Brookside, Paradise
459 Washington Street, Willows
625 N Shasta Street, Willows
820 Madrone Manor, Willows
New listings ACTIVE this week!
If any of these greater Chico REO properties interest you, please email your contact info to We will notify you as soon as we have a list price!
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|“Ready, Set, Bag!” premieres at The Pageant Theatre
January 9th, 2010 categories: Fun Things To Do Near Chico CA!, Uncategorized
My family just had the pleasure of previewing the film “Ready, Set, Bag!” It is a documentary that follows eight grocery bagging champions from states across the US as they prepare to compete in the National Grocers Association’s Best Bagger competition in Las Vegas. I won’t lie. My kids, upon hearing the words “documentary”, both chimed in with the requisite moans and groans. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a pair that is normally entertained by the likes of “Wizards of Waverly Place” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos.”
However, once the show started, my kids were riveted. There’s something about the hometown characters that makes it hard to look away. Initially, they may have been intrigued by the drawl and awe-inspring snort of the young band member that inhabited a pink bedroom. Or it may have had something to do with the really fast kid with the red curls. They wondered aloud how the older lady that “might even be a grandma” could compete with the younger participants. Eventually, I think they were inspired by a diverse group of characters who all had one thing in common: they take pride in doing their job to the very best of their ability!
The film helps drive home the point that every job is a critical one. I will make sure that we watch it again, and would readily recommend “Ready, Set, Bag!” for families. If you need a little inspiration to get you through the day to day drudgery of your own job, this might help!
The movie will be playing every Thursday night in January (Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28) at 5:30pm at the Pageant Theater. The screenings benefit the local community food bank CAA Butte County.
For every ticket sold, local company ChicoBag will generously donate $1 to the CAA Butte County Food Bank! If folks bring two or more nonperishable food items
to a screening, they’ll get $1 off their ticket thanks to ChicoBag, and a discount on popcorn too.
You can see the trailer for this film at
Be sure to arrive on time so you don’t miss the screening of “Leonardo”, a new hand drawn animated short from Academy Award nominee Jim Capobianco, in front of “Ready, Set, Bag!”. As an added bonus, after the screenings, there will be a “Ready, Set, Bag!” Q/A session with the Directors and Producer.
Have you seen the film? Leave a review!
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|California Park Neighborhood in Chico, CA at Sunset
January 4th, 2010 categories: California Park Neighborhood
Words are not always necessary…

Cal Park Neighborhood in Chico, CA at sunset
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|Who says homes never sell during the holidays?
December 23rd, 2009 categories: Chico Sellers, My Opinion on Things
This home in Chico, CA only had 27 days on the market, from list to close.
Thanks to a well-coordinated effort, both buyer and seller accomplished their goals.
The key ingredients to a successful transaction?
1. Seller lists property at or near market value in a declining market.
2. Buyer comes to the table prepared with a current prequalification letter.
3. Both Buying and Selling agents swiftly address concerns in the negotiation stage.
4. The lender is expedient and professional. (Special thanks to Corina Lemmus, Bank of America)
5. Realtors, lender, and title company work in concert to meet the needs of their clients.

Chico CA real estate does sell during the holidays!
Some happy new homeowners were just handed keys only 2 days before Christmas!
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|For your sake, as a buyer, PLEASE make sure you have an REO competent Realtor!!
December 22nd, 2009 categories: Chico Buyers, Chico CA Foreclosure Listings, My Opinion on Things
Please. I’m begging. If you are a buyer looking to purchase a foreclosure property, do your best to ensure that you’ve hired a Realtor well-versed in REO transactions. I can not stress this enough!
I just stopped in the middle of submitting an offer on an REO property in Paradise, CA to write this. It is so frustrating to me when I see offers come in from well-qualified, strong buyers who have unfortunately chosen the wrong Realtor for the job. The Realtor may very well be an excellent choice on a normal, retail purchase transaction. However, REO is a niche market, and not all Realtors take the time and effort to learn the nuances, and therefore effectively represent their client. I have seen Realtors make the same mistakes repeatedly, despite my efforts to provide them with the exact information they will need to ensure the success of their clients. It’s mind boggling!
I would suggest specifically asking your prospective Realtor about the number of REO transactions they have closed. Hopefully they will answer truthfully. Another good question would be regarding the percentage of accepted offers versus the number of offers they have written. While we are all new to REO at some point, the key is to find a Realtor that has the willingness and inherent ability to learn the necessary differences between an REO transaction and a retail transaction.
If, as a buyer, you are coming to the table with a strong desire to purchase the property, and you’ve got your cash in hand or a prequalification letter in place, you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot by hiring the wrong Realtor!
Invest the time. Know your Realtor. Does he KNOW REO?
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|Upcoming Chico, CA Foreclosure Listings! Week ending 12/19/2009
December 19th, 2009 categories: Chico CA Foreclosure Listings
The following foreclosure properties are in pre-list stage with The Sandi Bauman Team! at Chico Homes.
Watch for them to hit the market soon!
2935 2nd Street, Biggs
4 Coolwater Court, Chico
862 E. 5th Avenue, Chico
1857 Devonshire, Chico
3265 Rockin M, Chico
2279 W Biggs, Gridley
6438 Woodward, Magalia
14647 Bridgeport, Magalia
14721 Northwood, Magalia
322 Butte, Orland
62 Gaylor, Oroville
86 Montana, Oroville
328 Crane Avenue, Oroville
5570 Brookside, Paradise
459 Washington Street, Willows
625 N Shasta Street, Willows
820 Madrone Manor, Willows
New Paradise listings ACTIVE this week!
If any of these REO properties interest you, please email your contact info to We will notify you as soon as we have a list price!
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|Upcoming Foreclosure Listings! Week ending 12/11/2009
December 13th, 2009 categories: Chico CA Foreclosure Listings
The following foreclosure properties are in pre-list stage with The Sandi Bauman Team! at Chico Homes.
Watch for them to hit the market soon!
4 Coolwater Court, Chico
862 E. 5th Avenue, Chico
3265 Rockin M, Chico
6438 Woodward, Magalia
14647 Bridgeport, Magalia
322 Butte, Orland
62 Gaylor, Oroville
86 Montana, Oroville
328 Crane Avenue, Oroville
1828 Arrowhead, Paradise
459 Washington Street, Willows
820 Madrone Manor, Willows
If any of these REO properties interest you, please email your contact info to We will notify you as soon as we have a list price!
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|About Gabriel Martinez
December 9th, 2009 categories: Chico CA Real Estate News
Thank you so much for taking a bit of your time to learn about me! My name is Gabriel Martinez and I am your buyer specialist for The Sandi Bauman Team here at Chico Homes! After starting my real estate career in one of the craziest real estate markets nationwide, San Diego, California; my wife and I decided to move back to the area we love and want to raise our children. I absolutely love Chico! If you already live here…you know what I’m talking about; if you are thinking about living here, I am 100% confident it will not take you long to claim the same…I love Chico, California!
Now as your buyer specialist for The Sandi Bauman Team you will have everything you need to be a savvy buyer in one of the most competitive buyer’s markets I have ever seen! I am here for you in person, over the phone and of course… I am at your fingertips! I even offer worldwide face to face video conversation! During the home buying process it is absolutely crucial to keep our clients “In the loop.” I will keep you updated by offering: Phone Call, Email & Texting updates…Automatic Home Notifications, Foreclosure Updates & helpful buying strategies! We have trustworthy Lender resources as well as aggressive & ethical negotiating skills that will get you the home along with the terms you need! From step one; I am here to guide you through this process until you are completely informed & satisfied! That is my profession! That’s what I love! And that’s what I will do!
Here is what our recent client’s Mike and Yasuko Warren had to say after they closed escrow on their first home!
“Gabe, thank you so much for all of your friendly service. You really did make this whole process easier and enjoyable. Your friends, Mike & Yasuko.”
Thank you for learning about me! I am excited to get started and to know you and your home buying needs!
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